Sunday, January 16, 2022

What is RTI? Making Sense of Many Acronyms.

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RTI stands for Response to Intervention. RTI identifies students who may need additional support academically or socially/emotionally and is the sidekick of education. RTI begins in the classroom with the teacher. If a teacher notices a student struggling or needing additional support, she will brainstorm ideas to better support this student. Once a teacher has tried a variety of strategies, with little to no success, she can bring the student to a building level team. The team, which is made up of different stakeholders, including the principal, instructional coach, social worker, and special education teacher will suggest interventions that may benefit the student based on both data and observations. The team will continually meet, to ensure the student is improving in their area of need. 

References: Unsplash. (n.d.). 100 Classroom Pictures: Download Free Images on Unsplash. Retrieved from

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